Welcome to the best South Sea Pearl Wholesale Seller site in the world. The fashion market and original marine pearl jewelry needs for the whole world are enormous. The one that dominates sales for the entire world market is Indonesia. The world has also recognized the special features of Indonesia’s very famous natural resources.
Based on data from the United Nations as well as the Indonesian government, it proves and justifies the potential market for marine pearls for the whole world. Data on increasing demand can be seen based on the number of production per year globally since 1983. In that year, world production was only 0.4 tons with a value of US $ 30 million. Meanwhile, from the latest data in 2013, there were 12.7 million tons of marine pearls manufactured worth US $ 220 million.
That is why some companies selling South Sea Pearls in Indonesia have capacity at the world level. One of them call it a company with the name MARKAZ pearl that still flies despite several recessions (crises) of the world economy and domestic Indonesia.
MARKAZ pearl since 1998 has been plugging fangs and claws into the marine pearl market throughout the world. Especially, the market in France, the central country of the world MODE. Not surprisingly, MARKAZ pearl until now has had colleagues who were connected with many of the world’s top celebrities.
Accuracy of production processes, selection after production and maintenance of products that make MARKAZ pearl always produce very high quality pearls.